Aladdin panto at Stratford East from 28 Nov 2009

The Pantomime Aladdin , will be at the Theatre Royal Stratford East, in east London, from 28 Nov 2009 to 16 Jan 2010.

It has a book by Trish Cooke, songs by Robert Hyman. Directed by Kerry Michael, designed by Jenny Tiramani , lighting by Mark Doubleday, costumes by Kristen Dempsey, choreography by Omar Okai .

Cast includes Darren Kuppan (Aladdin), Michael Bertenshaw (Abanazar), Derek Elroy (Ma Twanky), Deeivya Meir (Princess), Peter Straker (Genie of the Lamp), Chloe Allen (Wishy), Alton Letto (Washy), Toni Palmer (Slave of the Ring), Angelo Paragoso (Sultan), Sharona Sassoon (The Royal Skivvy), Holly Dempsey, Danai Mavunga.

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