Arts Council England has lifted the immediate threat to cut the revenue funding of Black theatre company, Talawa

Arts Council England has lifted the immediate threat to cut the revenue funding of Black theatre company, Talawa

TALAWA, Britain's longest running Black theatre company, welcomes the fact that after so many months of uncertainty about the Company’s future, Arts Council England has lifted the immediate threat to cut its revenue funding: on 17 October 2005 the Council indicated that Talawa would receive two further one year grants for its ongoing artistic programme. This funding will also enable the Company to proceed with its plans to continue to build the capacity and effectiveness of its Board and management teams to ensure they support and further develop Talawa’s work.

Talawa will shortly be recruiting a new permanent Artistic Director and supporters to join its Board of management. It looks forward to the future with renewed hope and confidence.

Talawa remains committed to building a home for Black-led theatre however, and has challenged Arts Council England’s decision of July 2005 to withdraw funding from an ambitious capital project for such a theatre in Westminster. Thanks to the Council’s withdrawal of funds, the building presently stands half completed. Based on advice from its lawyers and wide ranging support from Black theatre-goers and practitioners, Talawa has issued a claim for Judicial Review in the High Court. The Company has nevertheless urged Arts Council England to address its concerns outside the courtroom and hopes the issue can be resolved through independent mediation or the Council’s complaints procedure. The Council’s lawyers have promised a response to the judicial review by 31 October 2005.

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