Black Roses: The Killing of Sophie Lancaster at Southbank

Royal Exchange Theatre presents Black Roses: The Killing of Sophie Lancaster, words by Sylvia Lancaster and poetry by Simon Armitage at Southbank Centre's Royal Festival Hall, Blue Room, from 24 to 28 March 2014, as part of the Centre's Spring 2014 Live Literature Programme.

Directed by Sarah Frankcom and Sue Roberts, cast includes Rachel Austin (Sophie) and Julie Hesmondhalgh (Sylvia). Julie Hesmondhalgh is best known for her role as Hayley Cropper in the popular UK soap Coronation Street.

On 11 August 2007, Sophie Lancaster was beaten unconscious in Stubbylee Park, Bacup, and later died from her injuries in hospital. She was 20 years old, had just passed her A-Levels and was working out what to do with her life. She was killed because she dressed differently. Black Roses is written as an elegy to Sophie, where Simon Armitage's poetry is interwoven with the words of her mother.

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