Complete World of Sports (Abridged) Arts Theatre 17 July
The Complete World of Sports (Abridged), by the Reduced Shakespeare Company, at the Arts Theatre from 17 Jul to 25 Aug 2012.
Produced by Newbury Productions (UK) Limited in association with York Theatre Royal.
Every sport ever played on every continent in the entire history of the world in under two hours! The entire history of athletic competition is revisited in a marathon of madness and mayhem that sees the world's great sporting events shrunk down to theatrical size.
Among the many questions answered: Is darts really a sport? What does NASCAR stand for? Why do Americans insist on calling a contest in which only they compete the "World Series"? Which is more boring - baseball or cricket? Who invented wife-carrying, bog-snorkelling and cheese-rolling? And why aren't they in the Olympics?
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