Please Wait Patiently by Natasha Collie at Tabard Theatre

Please Wait Patiently by Natasha Collie, at the Tabard Theatre, in Chiswick, west London from 14 to 26 Aug 2012.

Cast includes Tom Turner, Rachel Chambers, Max Wilson, Chloe Nicolson, Matt Harrison.

Directed by Matt Harrison , designed by Olivia Ward, lighting by Derek Anderson. Produced by Pulling Focus Ltd for the Tabard Theatre in association with Hot Tubs and Trampolines.

In the summer of 2008 a suitcase in a lost property office was opened to reveal 30 years of love letters between a mystery couple - with this intriguing true story as a stimulus Please Wait Patiently is a comic, classically modern love story fusing music, new writing and physical storytelling.

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