Threesome by Hal Iggulden at the Tabard 19 Jan 2010
HoldFast Theatre presents Threesome, by Hal Iggulden, at the Tabard Theatre, a fringe venue in Chiswick west London, from 19 Jan to 6 Feb 2010.
Starring Freddie Lancaster, Edward Stephens and in her London stage debut Rita Walters (niece of stage and screen legend Julie Walters).
A cautionary tale about Internet dating gone wrong. A story of robbery, drug taking, cannibalism, necrophilia, murder, manslaughter and prostitution. Two wannabe it girls, saddled with university debt, credit cards cut up, left destitute in Harvey Nicks. They come up with a clever idea to earn a little extra cash and pay for their expensive way of life and all that shopping: Internet sex for a price. Enter Colin a blond, muscular, good-looking ex-soldier, who is not all that he seems to be and certainly not what was advertised. An evening of mayhem, horror and humour spirals out of control as the girls find themselves entangled in a web of sex, money and Phil Collins.
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