Virgins Die Horny London Premiere at the Courtyard
Selectwork Productions present the London premiere of Virgins Die Horny, written and directed by Sal Cesare, at the Courtyard Theatre, Islington, north London, from 28 October to 16 November 2014.
The cast includes Helen Rose Hampton (Katie), Henry Rylands (Jimmy), Romanos Kassimis (James) and Neil Hobbs (Jamie).
Synopsis: "The story of Katie, a 38-year old woman married for the third time in ten years. Jimmy, her second husband crashes the honeymoon, drunk and suicidal, holding Katie and her new husband, James, hostage by threatening to detonate the dynamite that he has stitched into an orange life jacket that he is wearing under his coat. Meanwhile, Jimmy has secretly arranged for Jamie, Katie's first husband to join them as well. So by the end of the first act, poor Katie finds herself held hostage on her honeymoon with all three of her husbands - past and present! The second act is a terrifying and sometimes funny tour de force that builds to the reluctant disclosure of a carefully kept and devastating secret that all three husbands have agreed to keep from Katie."
Writer and director Sal Cesare, who is an American ex-pat living in London, wrote the play over twenty years ago. He describes Virgins Die Horny as a "cocaine-fuelled, alcohol-drenched roller coaster ride through the tangled relationships tenuously held by Katie and her three husbands."
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