Sing-A-Long-A ABBA
The Singalong phenomenon continues apace with the latest recruit to its ranks: an ABBA karaoke night en masse that has got the words foolproof emblazoned all over it. Deviating slightly from the usual format of film plus audience participation, on offer instead is an enthusiastic ABBA tribute band who encourage the audience not just to participate in their medley of hits but to don sunglasses, wave flags and generally enter into the spirit of the event. Kitsch? Tacky? You bet, but it's surprisingly enjoyable stuff nonetheless and the communal air of good-humoured banter is hard to resist, the ideal Friday night meltdown. It's the sort of show that is to a hen night what the proverbial red rag is to a bull, but even older members of the audience seemed to relish the opportunity to briefly abandon conventional theatregoing.
(Amanda Hodges)
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