A promenade performance of The Odyssey by Teatro Vivo

Teatro Vivo presents a promenade performance of The Odyssey by Vic Bryson, Sarah Sigal and Michael Wagg, from 3 to 8 Sep 2012, directed by Sophie Austin.

The show starts at The Albany, in Deptford, south London, and then on to many secret locations.

'The Odyssey' is a promenade performance that takes the audience on a man hunt down seemingly normal high streets and into the heart of this classic story. The audience need to help Telemachus by going on their own Odyssey and bring back news of wily Odysseus. On the journey they may come across gods and goddesses, nymphs and monsters, death and desire when an everyday high street becomes the back drop to some bizarre and brilliant stories. Everyone should expect a journey into the unknown, and dress for the weather (it is England after all!).

Cast includes Natalie Ball, Will Close, Kas Darley, Houda Echouafni, Jason Eddy, Natasha Magigi, Rebecca Peyton, Mark Stevenson, Michael Wagg, Tom Ross-Williams.

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