Anna Karenina at Jack Studio Theatre in south London

Arrows & Traps Theatre Company present Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy, adapted by Helen Edmundson, at the Jack Studio Theatre in south London, from 15 March to 2 April 2016, with an official opening on 17 March.

The production will be directed by Ross McGregor with set design by Remy Moynes, lighting by Martin Condon and sound by Gareth Kearns. The cast includes Cornelia Baumann (Dolly), Pippa Caddick (Kitty / Seriozha / Countess Vronsky), Adam Elliott (Karenin), Ellie Jacob (Anna Karenina), Will Mytum (Vronsky / Nikolai), Spencer Lee Osborne (Stiva / Vassily / Priest / Petritsky), David Paisley (Levin) and Hannah Wilder (Princess Betsy / Agatha / Governess / Russian Widow).

Synopsis: "Anna Karenina, the wife of a provincial governor, revolts against a superficial existence of compromise and embarks on a scandalous affair with a charming officer Count Vronsky. As Anna is brought to the brink of destruction, she must finally decide whom she is living for."

Writer Helen Edmundson's plays have included 'The Clearing' at Bush Theatre, 'Mother Teresa is Dead' at Royal Court, 'Coram Boy' at National Theatre and Broadway, and a new version of Calderon's 'Life is a Dream' at Donmar Warehouse. She has also adapted 'Thérèse Raquin', which was recently staged on Broadway, starring Keira Knightley.

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