Casting annnounced for Peribanez at Young Vic May 03
Casting annnounced for Peribanez at Young Vic May 03
Casting has been announced for Peribanez, by Lope de Vega, English version by Tanya Ronder, which opens at the Young Vic Theatre on 7 May 03, following previews from 1 May, and booking to 7 June 03.
Cast includes: Michael Nardone (Peribanez) , David Harewood ( Commander of Ocana), Jackie Morrison (Casilda), Jason Baughan, Gregory Fox-Murphy, Paul Hamilton, Mark Lockyer, Rhiannon Meades, Michael O'Connor, Vincent Patrick, John Sampson, Robert Willox.
Michael Nardone's recent West End credits includes "Gagarin Way" at the Cottesloe & Arts Theatres in 2001/02.
Peribanez is directed by Rufus Norris , designed by Ian MacNeil, lighting by Rick Fisher .
A peasant village in 17th century Spain. At the very moment that Peribanez and Casilda seal their marriage vows, the noble lord of their land is carried to their home at death's door. Casilda revives him and he falls hopelessly in love. He swears to possess her - but underestimates the power of love.
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