Cooked at the Bread and Roses Theatre

ScotchBonnet Theatre presents a dark comedy, Cooked, at the Bread and Roses Theatre, a fringe venue in Clapham, south London, from 3 to 14 May 2016.

The play explores celebrity culture and control and is written by Christopher Adams, with material by Timothy Allsop and Pia FitzGerald. Timothy Allsop will also direct.

Synopsis: "Miranda Conquest is Britain's top celebrity chef. One problem: she can't cook. When her marriage sours and her secret is splashed all over the media, she has no choice but to get serious in the kitchen."

American playwright Christopher Adams lives and works in London. His full-length and short plays have been performed in London, Birmingham, Dublin and Shanghai. Two of his plays have been long-listed for the Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting: 'Lynchburg' (2013) and 'Haunts'. The Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting is the UK's biggest national competition for playwriting.

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