Eleanor Of Aquitaine with Eileen Page at Jermyn St 10 Jan
Eleanor Of Aquitaine, by Catherine Muschamp, at the Jermyn Street Theatre, an off West End venue in Piccadilly, central London, from 10 to 15 Jan 2011.
A one-woman performance starring Eileen Page . Eileen's sixty-five year career has stretched from the RSC in 1946, working with Peter Brook and Paul Scofield, and with Laurence Olivier's company at the Old Vic, to her most recent film role in the forthcoming Disney sci-fi fantasy John Carter of Mars. Having no desire to retire, at the age of 84 she is still ploughing her own furrow by portraying another dynamic woman of history and legend - Eleanor of Aquitaine, the only woman to be Queen of France and then of England.
Brings to life a formidable woman, far ahead of her time, who witnessed and influenced some of the Middle Ages' most dramatic events, including the murder of Thomas Becket and her own rivalry with Henry II's mistress, 'fair Rosamund' Clifford.
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