Manor By Martin Murphy at Tristan Bates from 15 March

Bruised Sky Productions presents Manor By Martin Murphy, at the Tristan Bates Theatre, a fringe venue in Covent Garden central London, from 15 March to 3 April 2010.

Directed by James Kermack, starring Andrew Obeney, Stephen Pucci, Barra Collins, Elspeth Rae.

Tells the story of a teenage boy Joe who is forced into a world of violence when his girlfriend Kel' is attacked by a local villain. A pool hall owner feels compelled to help clean up the aftermath of Joe's revenge. The piece delves into what man can forgive of himself and what stains the soul for ever. Although set in the modern day, Manor reworks the tale of Orpheus in the underworld along with other myths and religious parables to encompass a tale in one act.

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