"Tom, Dick and Harry" to close early 29 Oct 2005

"Tom, Dick and Harry" to close early 29 Oct 2005

Ray & Michael Cooney's new farce Tom, Dick and Harry, posts early closing notices for 29 Oct 2005 at the Duke of York's Theatre after a run of less than 2 months. (The comedy was originally booking to 7 Jan 2006)

The show received mainly poor notices from the popular press when it opened 23 Aug 2005, following previews from 10 Aug 2005: NICHOLAS DE JONGH for THE EVENING STANDARD says "Unamusing farce." BENEDICT NIGHTINGALE for THE TIMES says, "all I can say is that there were moments when I felt that Tom, Dick and Harry was twice as long as Titus Andronicus and only half as funny...I think it witless and formulaic." MICHAEL BILLINGTON for THE GUARDIAN says, "Although I laughed intermittently, I never surrendered to ecstasy." CHARLES SPENCER for THE DAILY TELEGRAPH says, "At its considerable best, it ranks among Cooney's finest, and frequently found me physically helpless with laughter." PETER HEPPLE for THE STAGE says, "A grievous disappointment."

The comedy features Joe McGann, Stephen McGann , Mark McGann, Louise Jameson , Hannah Waterman, Mark Wingett

Tom and his wife are adopting a baby - it's the happiest day of their lives - or it would have been if Tom's brothers, Dick and Harry, hadn't decided to help. The result of Dick and Harry's 'assistance' produces two illegal immigrants, a dead body and a van load of contraband cigarettes. With the arrival of the Supervisor from the Adoption Agency and the Police Constable, Tom's ingenuity is stretched to the limit. But things could'nt get worse...or could they? The ever helpful plans of Dick and Harry continue to go haywire and they further lumber Tom with a Russian Mafia mobster and a reality TV programme. Then it starts to get complicated!

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