
Genre: Drama
Opened 3 Nov 2006
Written: Paul Sellar
Directed: Yvonne McDevitt
Produced: Andy Jordan Productions
Cast: Jonathan Moore (Jack)
Synopsis: Amonologue. A bloody tale of murder, revenge and retribution. Bobby Topps is riding on the crest of a wave, poised to take the crown a the 1978 World Professional Darts. Only now he's dead. His son, Jack, sets out to avenge those whom he believes are responsible for his father's downfall as life turns him from adoring son to hard-bitten criminal, condemned to forever re-live his own cruel violence.'

What the critics had to say.....
BENEDICT NIGHTINGALE for THE TIMES says, "This is raw, blunt stuff. It's absorbing too." JOHN THAXTER for THE STAGE says, "With long hair and bare, sturdy legs below black shorts, Moore plays the narrator like a bruised heavyweight wrestling champion, ensconced in what seems to be an electric chair, his grim, charmless narrative relieved only by jaunty moments of ironic humour." JONATHAN GIBBS for TIME OUT says, "Paul Sellar's verse monologue gives a surprising dimension to what would otherwise be a straightforward underworld shocker...Intriguing and rewarding." FIONA MOUNTFORD for THE STANDARD says, "It's a considerable size of auditorium for just one performer, but Jonathan Mooore...has us gripped." CLAIRE ALLFREE for THE METRO says, "A fine performance from Jonathan Moore." SARAH HEMMING for THE DAILY EXPRESS says, "Paul Sellar's blistering script and Jonathan Moore's virtuoso performance have you gripped."

External links to full reviews from popular press
The Times
The Stage

Originally published on

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