7 Brides for 7 Brothers at Haymarket from 10 Aug
" 7 Brides for 7 Brothers " at Haymarket from 10 Aug
It is now confirmed that the touring production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, will open at the Haymarket Theatre 16 Aug 2006, following previews from 10 Aug - booking to 25 Nov 2006.
Tickets are now on sale!!
Hay Fever, currently at the Haymarket with Judi Dench will close as scheduled on 5 Aug 2006
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is directed by Maurice Lane and features Dave Willetts (Adam) & Shona Lindsay (Milly).
Book by David Landay, music by Gene De Paul and lyrics by Johnny Mercer.
The show features classic songs including:- 'Bless your Beautiful Hide' 'Wonderful Wonderful Day' 'Goin' Courtin' 'Sobbin' Women' 'Lonesome Polecat' 'Spring, Spring, Spring' 'Love Never Goes Away' 'We Gotta Make It Through the Winter'
Set in Oregon in 1850 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is the story of Adam, the eldest of seven brothers, who goes to town to get a wife. He convinces Milly to marry him that same day. They return to his backwoods home. Only then does she discover he has six brothers - all living in his cabin. Milly sets out to reform the uncouth siblings, who are anxious to get wives of their own. Then, after reading about the Roman capture of the Sabine women, Adam develops an inspired solution to his brothers' loneliness... kidnap the women they want!
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