Abe & Hans by Knightley & Maclaren at Theatre503

Brave Badger Theatre presents Abe & Hans, a comedy written and performed by Mark Knightley and James Maclaren, directed by Pamela Schermann, at Theatre503, a 60-seat fringe theatre, in Battersea, south London 9 to 13 July 2013.

Hollywood director Abe Rothstein and German producer Hans Reittinger are making a World War Two epic. As deadline day looms the production spirals out of control and the pair are at each others throats.

The 2006 football World Cup was a turning point in German history. For the first time in 60 years Germany united as a nation; flags were hung out of windows, people sang patriotic songs and felt proud of their country. Now, as the war generation fades away and the last few Nazi war criminals are brought to justice, Germany has achieved a peaceful renewal at the head of European government. But is there such a thing as third generation war guilt? And what are the British and American attitudes to the war?

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