As You Like It at Lion and Unicorn Theatre

Custom/Practice and Graffiti Productions presents As You Like It, by William Shakespeare, at the Lion & Unicorn Theatre, in Kentish Town, north London, from 27 April to 19 May 2012.

Directed by Rae McKen, designed by Penelope Watson, lighting by Simon Bond.

Cast comprises Rebecca Loudon, Olivia Scott-Taylor, Maddy Hill, Hetty Abbott, Oliver Mott, Lorenzo Martelli, Richard Keiss, Rasmus Mortensen, Chetan Pathak, Matthew Alexander, Gershwyn Eustache, Kojo Kamara, James Hayward.

Rosalind, the daughter of a banished duke, falls in love with Orlando. Her usurping uncle, jealous of her popularity banishes her from court. Disguised as a boy she leaves with her cousin Celia and the jester Touchstone, to seek out her father in the Forest of Arden. Here she meets Orlando again and, under the guise of a young man, counsels him in the art of love and wooing.

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