Dorothy in Oz by James Michael Shoberg at Waterloo East
Immersion Theatre presents Dorothy in Oz, a skewed adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 'The Wizard of Oz', by James Michael Shoberg, at the Waterloo East Theatre, from 26 Feb to 17 March 2013.
Directed by James Tobias, cast includes Kristy Bruce, James Clifford, Paul C Rogers, Rob Tofield, Rochelle Parry, Linda Taimre, Frank Teale, Chris Leaney, Claire Lacey, Lisa Lynn, Phil Piggott
Set in the 'Ozlin Centre,' a facility for the mentally ill, Dorothy in Oz follows the story of a bi-polar Dorothy (Dottie) Gale, who is involuntarily committed by her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. While hospitalized, she is treated with an experimental drug called Cyclozil which causes her to hallucinate a dark, twisted version of the hospital simply called...'Oz.' While in her drug-induced delirium, Dottie encounters Glinda, a somewhat unhinged therapist who informs Dottie that her only chance to be released is to seek the hospital's mysterious administrator.The Great Oz, himself. Thus begins her trip through a veritable madhouse, where she is joined by 'Skarekrow', a heroin-addicted goth-rocker; Rusty, a pierced, axe-wielding biker with severe anger issues; and Mr. Lyons, a sexually frustrated deviant searching for a prescription to give him a little 'courage' below the belt. However, if coping with her three new companions wasn't difficult enough, Dottie unwittingly attracts the attention of the Wicked Witch of the West Wing, a crazed doctor who sends her three cronies, each the subject of one of her deranged experiments, to capture Dottie for her own depraved purposes...
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