Nicholas Hytner leaves NT at end of March 2015
Nicholas Hytner has announced today that he is to step down as Director of the National Theatre at the end of March 2015. Nick Starr also to step down as Executive Director.
Nick Hytner said: “It’s been a joy and a privilege to lead the National Theatre for ten years and I’m looking forward to the next two. I have the most exciting and most fulfilling job in the English-speaking theatre; and after twelve years it will be time to give someone else a turn to enjoy the company of my stupendous colleagues, who together make the National what it is.”
Nick Starr, who has been Executive Director since 2002, also announced today that he will be leaving the NT during 2014. He said, “There’s a genius to this place and it will be a wrench to leave it. But I want to make room for the next generation, and it’s time for me to plough new furrows.”
The Board of the National Theatre will now begin the formal process of identifying a new Director. The position will be advertised next week and we expect to announce the appointment in the autumn. The new Executive Director will be appointed once the Director Designate is in place.
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