Pratchett's Maskerade at Bridewell & Theatro Technis

Tower Theatre presents Terry Pratchett's Maskerade, at the Fringe venues - Bridewell Theatre, in city of London from 8 to 12 Dec 2009 and the Theatro Technis Theatre, in Mornington Crescent, north London 15 to 18 Dec 2009.

Adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs, and directed by Chris Peregrine.

The Ankh-Morpork Opera house has always had a ghost, but it never used to kill people. Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg, the inquisitive, indomitable (and some would say downright rude) witches of Lancre, find a way to get involved and unravel the mystery, whether the new owner wants them to or not...

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