The London Theatre announces plays for 2012.
The London Theatre, New Cross (a new purpose built fringe theatre in south London) has announced its programme for early 2012. Plays include
31 Jan - 05 Feb 2012
The Bear & The Proposal, written by Anton Chekhov, directed by Harry Denford. Mrs. Popov and Smirnov serve both to provide the comic material for the play and as a foundation upon which to build Smirnov's growing realization that he succumbing to the ultimate debt of love in this short farce.
07 Feb - 12 Feb 2012
The Bridge, written by Harry Denford, directed by Lara Turkina. A revival of this comedy with not so comical subject of suicide. When two strangers meet on a bridge to end it all, they won't until the other one leaves. A odd and clever stand off not helped by a morbid model railway obsessed Volvo driving motorway cop from hell.
14 Feb - 19 Feb 2012
Shakespeare Unbound, written and directed by David Reese.1623 John Heminges returns to his house on the site of the Globe Theatre with a precious package - the first edition of Wiliiam Shakesepeare's "Comedies, Histories and Tragedies" which he has just collected from the printer, Isaac Jaggard. Heminges and Henry Condell have spent seven years since William's death looking through prompt books, cue scripts, plot sheets, William's own writings, searching through the Tiring House of the Globe and studying previously printed versions of his plays. Finally they amassed an exhaustive collection and working with the Jaggards - William and Isaac - they have produced this wonderful document. Sitting down to study the result of his work, John Heminges reminisces about his life-long friendship with "Young Will" which had started 36 years before, in the White Swan in Stratford when William was 23 and John 31. Throughout his working life John had been at William's side, advising him and acting in his plays as well as managing The Chamberlain's (now The King's) Men, steering the company of which Will was such an important member, through the troubled waters of Elizabethan and Jacobean politics, organising royal patronage, fending off the tiresome Puritans and threats from the Plague.
29 Feb - 04 Mar 2012
Club Class - The Aviation Comedy, written by Harry Denford, directed by Steve Chilvers. Join a cast of five dressed as cabin crew yet playing everyone from pilots to baggage handlers, passengers to bits of the Airbus A320 on this charter flight of fun to Portugal.
13 Mar - 18 Mar 2012
Under Milk Wood, written by Dylan Thomas, directed by Harry Denford. To begin at the beginning: It is spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black, the cobblestreets silent and the hunched, courters'-and-rabbits' wood limping invisible down to the sloeblack, slow, black, crowblack, fishingboatbobbing sea.
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