Nigel Lindsay

Nigel Lindsay currently plays 'Shrek' in Shrek The Musical at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

Date of Birth
January 17 1969

Place of birth?

Did you go to training school, if so which one?
Webber Douglas Academy (now part of Central School of Speech and Drama)

Briefly tell us how you became involved with Shrek The Musical
I had worked with Rob Ashford before on Guys and Dolls, my only previous musical. I was asked to audition and went along for the fun!

Your first stage performance?
I played an assassin and the local mayor in Shoot the Archduke by John Clifford for Great Eastern Stage, a Lincolnshire touring company.

Career highlight to date?
Playing Barry in Chris Morris's feature debut Four Lions, Ariel in The Pillowman alongside Jim Broadbent and David Tennant at the National Theatre and the eponymous hero in the original London production of Shrek the Musical at Theatre Royal Drury Lane.

What roles would you most like to play?
Iago, Macbeth or another chunky musical part on stage and anything a younger Brendan Gleeson might have played on film.

What's the best advice you've ever received?
My first ever telly job I asked a lovely actor called Tom Georgeson for advice. He looked up from his paper, fag in mouth and said: "Two things: One, just say the bleeding lines and two, whenever you think this will be my big break it never bleeding is." Good advice.

What has been your most embarrassing moment on either TV/stage/film?
The first time I did a scene in front of a studio audience for a sit com, I thought I was so bad I hid behind the scenery for 45 mins and didn't come out until discovered by a fellow cast member.

What is the most annoying part about your job?
Waiting to be asked to work.

If you had not become a performer, what might you have done instead?
I was a financial analyst in the City for three years but hated it. I had a place at Bar School starting the same day as drama school. A criminal barrister always appealed.

Favourite after-show haunts
J Sheekey or the Nell pub in Catherine St.

Who are your favourite actors/actresses
Brendan Gleeson, Michael Gambon, Gene Hackman, Mark Rylance

If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would you say to them?
Jesus. Are the other two for real?

What was the last book you read, and name some of your favourite authors?
The Sisters Brothers by Patrick De Witt. Philip Roth, Charles Dickens, Graham Greene.

What was the last film you saw, and name some of your favourite movies?
Drive. The Godfather, His Girl Friday, Miller's Crossing, The Wild Bunch, As Good as it Gets.

Favourite TV programs?
Mad Men, Sherlock Holmes (with Jeremy Brett), The Wire, Nurse Jackie, The World at War.

Favourite holiday destinations?
Italy (the Amalfi Coast) and anywhere on safari.

Do you have any hobbies?
I write, play the guitar and a bit of golf and poker and draw cartoons.

Do you have any superstitions?
Always put my left sock and shoe on first when changing for a play.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you?
My wife and two kids.

What are your future plans?
To rest up after the toughest job I've done and see what the wind blows in.

Originally published on

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